This year’s VBS comes with three rotation stations, allowing station leaders to only need to know and to prepare one part of the VBS.
This year’s stations are:
Class in the Corral
When the children first arrive at this station, they get to vote on their opinions based on the Bible story. For example, do the children think Matthew should have stayed to finish his shift as a tax collector? Or do they think he was right to get up and follow Jesus right away?
Download the voting posters here.
After voting, the children will work on their activity papers that are then folded into wristbands with the memory verse on the back. Be sure to give each child the appropriate paper based on his or her age.
Download all three age groups:
Preschool (4-6 years)
Elementary (7-9 years)
Pre-Teen (10-12 years)
After completing the puzzles and activities on the children’s handouts, have the children play some games to help them memorize scripture. The memory verses in this p
rogram follow a plan often called the “Romans Road,” bringing the children to a clear understanding of salvation.
Canyon Crafts
In the Canyon Crafts station, the children have fun putting together craft projects with a Western-American theme.
The projects are:
- Boot - boot pattern, spur pattern
- Paper Lantern - lamp pattern, small decorative pieces patterns
- Plaster of Paris
Plaque - Mold for making plaster of paris plaques
- Western tie, “bolo” style - use the spur star
- Wall hanging - wood background pattern, small decorative pieces patterns
The instructions for the crafts are in the Canyon Crafts Pamphlet.
Old West Games
Children will love playing competitive (or non-competitive) games in the Old West Games station. Each lesson offers two game options to choose from… or play both! Be sure to gather materials ahead-of-time to be ready for the games during the VBS week.
We suggest that the children be separated into four teams denot
ed by colored bandanas. We also suggest that each team include children from all three age groups to keep them evenly matched. Keep track of which teams win competitions at the Old West Games station to award points for a friendly rivalry throughout the week.
Hacienda Restaurant
At the end of each day at the VBS, the children will enjoy getting together and eating snacks at the Hacienda Restaurant.
Children will enjoy eating a delicious, themed snack each day. The children can even put the snacks together themselves! And who doesn’t want to eat a pretend prickly cactus?

Be prepared for the snack on day four with a campfire for children to “roast” their “S’mores.” Download the pattern for the campfire here.
All the snacks can be improvised with foods that are readily available in your area.