
Logo Galaxy Express
Logo "Galaxy Express":

• WMF (97 KB)

• WMF Black and White for coloring (66 KB)

The Bridge Logo Galaxy Express

"The Bridge" logo: (Group time)

• WMF (76 KB)

Cadet Class Logo Galaxy Express

Station Logo "Cadet Class" (Student books):

• WMF (44 KB)


Station Logo "Engineering" (Crafts):

• WMF (56 KB)

Mess Hall

Station Logo "Mess Hall" (Snacks and space application):

• WMF (47 KB)


Space station day 1: NEBUCOPIO

• WMF color (5 KB)

• WMF black and white (4 KB)


Space station day 2: MEGANTARES

• WMF color (9 KB)

• WMF black and white (7 KB)


Space station day 3: VELOCISTAR

• WMF color (8 KB)

• WMF black and white (7 KB)


Space station day 4: PANASA

• WMF color (6 KB)

• WMF black and white (5 KB)


Space station day 5: EXPLOTELITE

• WMF color (6 KB)

• WMF black and white (5 KB)

Blast Off!

Optional logo for dramas: (Blast Off)

• WMF (38 KB)

Space Games

Optional logo for games: (space games)

• WMF (33 KB)

For titles in this material, we used the font "Aurora Cn Bt" and we used the font "Minion Pro" for the body text.