For students using difficult and advanced books.
Each week there is a secret message in the student books that applies to the lesson. On the back page of the student books (for the older students only) there is a DECODER KEY. With scissors, remove the decoder key from the back of the book and use it for each lesson, for all 13 weeks. We suggest you cover them with contact paper or have them laminated so they last all 3 months. Do not send them home with your students, but keep them at church so that you will have them each week.
To find the secret message, put the arrow from the KEY pointing towards the figure you are looking for. (See example to right) The arrow that is in your student book will point toward the answer.
Discover the phrase

Each lesson has a single letter hidden on each page. Once the children find the letter, they need to decode it with their KEY, and then go to the first page of their books and write the letter in the corresponding box. Every week they add another letter to the secret phrase, so that by the end of the 13 weeks (3 months) they have found the answer… 
Discover the codes in the difficult and advanced books.