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How to get HELP and recruit volunteers in children's ministry, part 1
Have them practice during class.
Use children from your classroom.
Give prizes to those who come early and help.
INVITE OTHERS / Recruiting
Personal invitation
Specific jobs
Small commitment
REWARDS & Celebrating with your Teachers
Welcome new teachers!
Reward vision & testimonies
Reward time and faithfulness
1. Vision statement
Examples: "To establish in children habits of Godly living."
"Guiding children to learn, believe, accept, and share God's Word."
"Equipping kids to know, grow, and show God's love."
"The children's ministry exists to help those in our care know God and grow to become like His Son, Jesus Christ."
2. Share the vision
Announcements, Speak it, Brochures, Banners, Facebook, Show pictures, Videos, Interviews, Have Meetings..
Repeat it!