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व्हिडिओ मालिका

हे उत्तम व्हिडिओ पहा आणि जिथे लागू होईल तेथे बरोबर असलेले हात पत्रक मोफत डाउनलोड करा.

प्रमाणपत्र मिळविण्यासाठी पदवी कॅपचे हे चिन्ह शोधा. ( हे एक मान्यताप्राप्त विद्यापीठ नाही.)



Balloon Figures

with Suki Kangas | 1 video & 1 download | for Teachers

Learn some basic balloon figures that you can use in your children's ministry! Great for special events or making Sunday school and VBS classes more interesting.


Controlling the Chaos

by Vickie Kangas | 1 video & 2 downloads | for Teachers

Learn fantastic ways to keep control of your sunday school class through scheduling, discipline, and practical ideas from Vickie Kangas, a professional school teacher with years of experience.


Raising Funds for your Ministry

by Kristina Krauss | 7 videos & 1 booklet | for Leaders

In this workshop, we will cover important key principles for raising funds as well as give you over a hundred ideas for where to start!


Teacher's Garden Series

by Kristina Krauss | 8 videos & 8 handouts | for Teachers

With only 15 minutes each video, we are going to dive into how to take care of our garden ... the garden that is your children's ministry! This series is for teachers.


Leader's Garden Series

by Kristina Krauss | 8 videos & 8 handouts | for Leaders

With only 15 minutes each video, we are going to dive into how to take care of our garden ... the garden that is your children's ministry! This series is for leaders.


Abuse Prevention

by Abel Asquivel Sr. and Kristina Krauss | 1 video & 1 handout | for Leaders

Pastor Abel, children's pastor and professional working for abuse prevention for the US government, is ready to share with you how to be a "good shepherd" protecting the children under your care.


Celebrating Mom

by Veronica Toj and Kristina Krauss | 1 video & 1 booklet | for Teachers

Enjoy these great ideas to help you celebrate Mother's day with your students!


Telling Stories with Balloons

by Kristina Krauss and Monserrat Duran | 2 videos & 1 booklet | for Teachers

If we always tell the Bible stories the same way, we are going to have very bored students! Change the way you teach class this week by adding balloons to your story-telling!


Memory Verse Games

by Kristina Krauss | 4 videos & 1 booklet | for Teachers

We all want to teach Bible verses to our students in Sunday school each week, but is there a way we can do it and have fun?


How to Get Help in Children's Ministry

by Kristina Krauss | 5 videos | for Leaders

Tips on how to recruit volunteers, how to keep volunteers happy, and how to build teamwork.


Obstacle Course - Easy to Do!

by Kristina Krauss | 10 videos | for Teachers

Watch these 10 videos on building a fun obstacle course for the children in your children's ministry!